Fat Freezing Overview

Fat Freezing Overview - What do we need to know


How does fat freezing work? Cryolipolysis, a surgical procedure that targets unwanted fat and then removes it, is used. Cryolipolysis (also known as fat freezing) is a nonsurgical method to remove unwanted fat from the body. It uses low temperatures to temporarily reduce fat buildup in certain areas. This process is used to target specific fat surges or bumps that do not respond to diet and exercise programs. Fat freezing can also be used for small tattoos, age spots, and stretch marks.


Fat Freezing

Fat freezing typically takes around one session for each area that needs to be treated. For best results, the procedure should be performed at an accredited facility that uses sterile equipment. Prior to the procedure, a topical anesthetic may be applied to the skin to numbing the skin sensitivity to temperatures. Some patients experience mild to moderate side effects from the procedure, such as nausea and mild to moderate skin sensitivity. These side effects disappear after one session.

How do fat freezing sessions work to target cellulite? A solution containing a liposuction ingredient is injected directly into the problem area during this procedure. After the fat cells have been drained using a vacuum tube, hollow needle, or cannula (or other means), the liposuction agent remains in place. Fat cells are frozen by an enzyme that reacts with insulin in the bloodstream. The end result is an immediate rise in blood glucose levels, and the disappearance of trapped liquefied cells.

Before undergoing a fat-freezing session, it's important to speak with a qualified doctor. This treatment is not recommended for patients with diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney problems. Patients who are undergoing surgery should avoid this procedure unless a doctor recommends it. It's quite safe and effective, but it's important that you remember that not all studies have shown that this method produces better results than diet or exercise alone. In some cases, up to three months may be needed to observe substantial weight loss.

To begin the fat freezing process, the patient will be instructed to lay flat on the table and be anesthetized. An IV will be placed in order to start circulating nutrients to the frozen skin cells. It is important to remember that fat cells cannot replenish themselves. Therefore, it is recommended that patients undergoing multiple treatments eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrients to prevent the recurrence or recurrences of cellulite.

After getting consent from the patient the technician will use a disposable applicator to numb the area. The doctor will then use the applicator to carefully shave the fat areas in preparation for fat freezing. This is usually done by gently removing the outermost layers of skin with a fine-toothed, nitrous oxide blasting tool. The technician will then use a tweezer-like tool to smoothen out any ridges left after removing the outermost layers. The doctor will repeat this process until all of the unwanted fat cells have been safely removed from the patient's abdomen, thighs and hips. Once this step has been completed, the doctor may instruct the patient to wear loose clothes to conceal any remaining marks created by the process.

Depending on how many treatments are required, fat freezing sessions can take up to four hours. Patients will be semi-induced upon arrival at the clinic. They can stay awake during treatment. However, fat reduction surgery cannot be performed while the patient is asleep. The patient will be immediately admitted to the hospital.

Fat Freezing has many advantages over traditional liposuction. Patients who have failed with other methods and who are considering drastic weight loss surgery because of ineffective results have chosen to have their fat frozen. Fat Freezing is also ideal for patients who have experienced complications with other forms of liposuction, such as excessive blood loss, poor post-treatment skin quality, or infection. Fat Freezing is a cost-effective option that does not involve the usual discomforts of liposuction. This offers patients the opportunity to quickly return to work, leading to increased health and self-esteem.